2020-7-19 · For example: to encrypt files in Documents, you’d use the cd command to go to that directory. cd ~/Documents. Once in the folder you’d like to encrypt in, use the ls command to view all files inside of the directory. ls. Pick out what you want to encrypt using GnuPG. Then, run …

Espionage Brings “Tricksy” Folder Encryption to OS X – Gigaom 2008-10-31 · Encryption Choices on OS X. Without bringing in additional tools, such as TrueCrypt into the mix, Apple offers two ways to secure your information. The first is with FileVault (which has some security and usability issues of it’s own) where you can choose to encrypt your entire home folder — but only your home folder — to keep prying eyes Tao Effect | Espionage 3 | Secure Folder Encryption for Espionage 3 - Secure Folder Encryption for Mac OS X. AES-256 + scrypt = Maximum Security Espionage uses powerful AES-256 encryption to protect your files and the super-computer defying scrypt to protect your passwords (instead of relying on OS X's weak keychain). We have not placed any backdoors into our software and have not received any requests for doing so. How to Encrypt files in Mac OS X with the Disk Utility app The Mac OS's Disc Utility allows for the encryption of files. To open Disc Utility click on the magnifying glass (spot light) up in the top right hand corner, and search for Disc Utility. Click on the first result in the list. Once Disc Utility is open, click on "create a new image" in the top tool bar. A new window will drop down, where you choose what you want to save the new image as.

Encrypt HOME folder | tonymacx86.com

Mac OS X: How to create an encrypted Zip archive of a folder Mac OS X’s user interface comes with a built-in facility for creating Zip archives, in the form of a command called “ Compress… ” in the Finder’s “ File ” menu or in the contextual action menu. (I believe the command used to be called “ Archive… ” in versions of Mac OS X prior to Mac OS X 10.5, also known as Snow Leopard.) It works fine for creating simple Zip archives that Password Protect Folders & Files in Mac OS X with 2012-1-11 · Encrypt Folders with Password Protection in OS X Mountain Lion the Easy Way says: August 12, 2012 at 1:34 pm […] is a new means of password protecting folders and sensitive files introduced in OS X Mountain Lion that lets you create a new encrypted disk […]

2016-3-29 · There are many tools for encrypting files in OS X. GUI apps to do that have varying prices. Unfortunately, OS X itself doesn't have many built-in ways to encrypt a file. John Martellaro shows you

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