Feb 14, 2020 · The Linux cd command changes the current directory. It's used when you're in a shell session (for example, when you've launched a terminal window from a graphical desktop) to change the current working directory.

Mar 19, 2017 · On Ubuntu, by default, the Apache2 web server stores its documents in /var/www/html, which is typically located on the root filesystem with rest of the operating system. For the location, you can accept the default location or change it to your desired location. Default location is Virtual Machines folder in your Documents folder. A new folder is created in the Virtual Machines folder for each virtual machine you install through VMware workstation. Nov 23, 2017 · Nginx web server stores its documents in the /var/www/html directory on Ubuntu 17.04 | 17.10 systems by default. This is not a big deal for small websites or blogs. However, if your site or blog is huge you may run out of space because this location is on the root filesystem and may not be large enough for websites that are going rapidly. (Linux and Windows), or Dropbox location (macOS). Select the new location for your Dropbox folder. Let Dropbox move your folder and its contents to the new location. If you've connected a personal and a work Dropbox, you'll see both of your Dropbox accounts listed. Select the correct tab before moving the Dropbox folder location.

Oct 08, 2018 · If you have set up your Ubuntu system to fetch Automatic Time Zone, it will sync your system through the internet so that it will have the time zone of your closest location. If you want to change the time zone according to your own preference, Ubuntu provides you with two ways to do so; through the command line and the graphical user interface.

We can change the target location of My Documents folder by editing the registry key. In pre-Vista OS(XP, Server 2003), this folder is called ‘My documents‘. In Vista, Windows 7 and Server 2008 it’s renamed as ‘Documents‘ folder. We can use reg.exe utility from command line for changing the default location of Documents folder. May 21, 2018 · Command to delete and remove files on Ubuntu Linux. The syntax is as follows for the rm and unlink command to remove files on Ubuntu Linux: Open the Ubuntu terminal application (bash shell) Type any one of the following command to delete a file named ubuntu.nixcraft.txt in the current directory; rm ubuntu.nixcraft.txt OR unlink ubuntu.nixcraft.txt Windows 10’s “Bash on Ubuntu on Windows” environment contains a few different components. The first time you run the bash.exe program, it will download and install an entire Ubuntu user space environment. You can access these files in File Explorer or other Windows programs, if you know where to look. May 14, 2016 · The change of default document root is an easy task that can be completed in a couple of minutes. When making such changes is important to make sure that you do not make any typos and make sure to always restart Apache after making changes to its configuration file.

I already tried chmod -R 777 /vmware-images and then attempted to change it via a console from another machine but still get the error: "you do not have

Jun 21, 2016 · Before you change the location of the user file/folders, you will need to create new folders for your files. I usually create a folder called User Files in the root of the D: drive and then create the individual folders for each user; for example, D:\User Files\ username \Desktop, D:\User Files\ username \Documents, etc. Ubuntu has folders instead of drive letters. In Ubuntu, all folders start or begin in the root folder or directory. The root folder or directory is just a slash /. For example, to reach the documents folder inside of the private folder on Ubuntu, you’ll start with /private/documents. I want to change the location of archive files which gets saved when I say sudo apt-get install . By default they are getting saved in /var/cache/apt/archives.