Library systems personnel should regularly perform privacy audits and ensure their technology is meeting privacy standards. While many industries bank on data collection, library systems should be structured to collect and retain the least amount of user information possible.

The Healthcare Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) requires covered entities and business associates to have a HIPAA compliance officer. This position may be filled in by an existing employee or a new employee can be recruited to take on the role. It is also permitted for the position to be outsourced temporarily or permanently. Top 5 Qualities in a Great Chief Privacy Officer (CPO Sep 29, 2014 Why Assign a Privacy Officer? | Accountable The daily tasks of a privacy officer revolve around performing routine compliance tasks. There shouldn't be too many challenges with a well-trained workforce. In the case of HIPAA-related problems within the organization, it's not only the privacy officer's job to correct issues, but everyone involved with the organization should take action. GDPR Data Protection Officer: PwC Unless a company concludes its business units are large and diverse enough requiring their own DPOs, they should start with appointing a single DPO, giving other privacy leaders a “CPO,” “privacy officer,” or equivalent title. 9) How to resource the DPO for success. The EMEA privacy counsel role for many multinationals is a one-person show.

The Right to Privacy

A chief privacy officer (CPO) is a corporate executive charged with developing and implementing policies designed to protect customer data from unauthorized access. Other elements of the CPO job include maintaining a comprehensive and current knowledge of privacy laws and communicating staff and customers alike about the company's privacy policies. What are the Responsibilities of a HIPAA Compliance Officer?

Sep 12, 2015

Privacy, Security, and Electronic Health Records | Health