Aug 23, 2016

DNS (Domain Name System) is a fundamental facilitator of several networking technologies such as mail servers, Internet browsing, and streaming services e.g. Netflix and Spotify, among others.. It works on a special computer called a DNS server - which keeps a database record of several public IP addresses along with their corresponding hostnames in order for it to resolve or translate The /etc/resolv.conf is the main configuration file for the DNS name resolver library. The resolver is a set of functions in the C library that provide access to the Internet Domain Name System (DNS).The functions are configured to check entries in the /etc/hosts file, or several DNS name servers, or to use the host's database of Network Information Service (NIS). So in this tutorial, we are going to install and configure DNS on Ubuntu. Through this tutorial, we will use one of the most common programs used for handling the name server on Ubuntu that is BIND (which is an abbreviation for Berkley Internet Naming Daemon).. Install and configure DNS on Ubuntu Testing the DNS server with dig & nslookup. To test out our BIND 9 DNS server, we will use another Ubuntu machine & will change its DNS to point out our DNS server. To change the DNS server, open '/etc/resol.conf' & make the following DNS entry, [email protected]:~$ sudo vi /etc/resolv.conf search linuxtechi.local nameserver 192.168..40 A fresh Ubuntu 18.04 server to serve as the Primary DNS server, ns1 (Recommended) A second Ubuntu 18.04 server to serve as a Secondary DNS server, ns2 Additional servers in the same datacenter that will be using your DNS servers How To Configure Bind as a Caching or Forwarding DNS Server on Ubuntu 14.04. Bind is an extremely flexible DNS server that can be configured in many different ways. In this guide, we will discuss how to install Bind on an Ubuntu 14.04 server and configure it as either a caching or forwarding DNS server. Install DNS Server. The package name for the DNS server on Ubuntu is bind9 and is available in the base repository. Use the apt command to install the bind9 package. sudo apt install -y bind9 bind9utils bind9-doc dnsutils Configure DNS Server. The /etc/bind/ directory is the main configuration directory of the DNS server, and it holds

Configure and run your own DNS resolver using the Unbound Server on Ubuntu 11.04 (Natty).

How to Setup a DNS Server for a Home Lab on Ubuntu 14.04

DNS server is used to resolve domain name into IP address. There are three common DNS server configurations can be done using BIND, caching nameserver, primary master and secondary master more info. Here in this post we can see about how to install and configure DNS server in ubuntu 14.04.

How to configure DNS server in ubuntu 14.04